
Round table «Products from technical ceramics. Actual issues of application in industry»
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On September 12, in Obninsk, NPP EKON, with the support of AIRCO, held a round table on topical issues in the industry of technical ceramics in Russia

The event was attended by representatives of almost two dozen leading industrial enterprises, scientific and educational institutions, not only Russia's first science city - Obninsk, but also Kaluga, Kaluga region, as well as Moscow, Moscow region and Yekaterinburg. The round table, the organizer and ideological inspirer of which was the Scientific and Production Enterprise "EKON", has become a place for discussion of urgent problems of the industry. Industries where the annual production volume of products amounts to several tens of tons, but the importance and importance of which cannot be disputed in such areas as nuclear energy, hydrocarbon production and processing, space research, Arctic exploration, aviation and defense.

The participants of the round table got acquainted with the competencies of NPP EKON in the field of technology development and production of small series of products from technical ceramics, as well as injection molding machines for the market of functional ceramics. Other event participants also presented their promising developments and capabilities: Technokeramika LLC (Obninsk), NTSC Bakor LLC (Shcherbinka), NeoHim CJSC (Moscow), Russian Engineering Design Bureau LLC (g Obninsk), Fokon LLC (Kaluga) and ONPO Technology (Obninsk).

Presentations and discussions touched upon such important aspects as the production of domestic raw materials, technological equipment, as well as equipment for incoming inspection and control of the properties of finished products. They also touched on such a relevant topic for all participants as training, retraining and professional development of personnel for the industry.

The round table participants devoted much of their time to hearing colleagues from leading scientific centers of the country who made presentations telling about the latest developments and their research, especially in the field of production of solid-electrolyte fuel cells (SOFC) and electrochemical current generators, as well as their successes achieved in the practical implementation of such innovative power plants for unmanned equipment developed, including for the development of the Arctic regions of our country . These are the Kera Tech company (the InEnergy group of companies, Moscow), the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka), and the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry (IHTE) of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg).

All participants in the discussion agreed that such initiatives as the creation of the Kaluga Ceramics Center on the basis of NPP EKON, activities within the framework of the Cluster of Composite and Ceramic Technologies (AKOTECH), as well as other similar initiatives to unite all those interested in the development of research and the production of technical ceramics, must be fully approved and supported.

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